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"Diabak Light Baklava is a product “aimed for a special diet”
Designed for diabetes patients and the people on a diet."
•As a result of the glucose tolerance test (GTT) applied among 18 healthy volunteers by Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine Internal Diseases
Department, a report dated 25 May 1999 for acknowledging that Diabak is a
appropriate food for weight loss diets (obesity treatment), diabetic diets
and cardiology diets.
•It is observed that Diabak does not have any negative effect on diabetes patients according to the results obtained from the various types of
diabetic members eating Diabak in the traditional Diabetes Summer Camp by the Turkish Diabetes Organization in Kuşadası Kuştur Holiday Village in
13-27 June 1999.
•Stevia, as a natural sweetener, is used in Diabak Light Baklava.
•Flour used in Diabak has a low glycemic index in order to obtain lower the energy and carbohydrate amount available in the product.
•The olive oil with omega-3 fatty acids addition produced specifically for Diabak is used.
•Mineral salt enriched with magnesium which contains 43% less sodium as compared to the normal salt was used.
•It is also enriched with diet fibers.
•Consumption under doctor control is recommended.
•Recommended daily consumption amount is 3 slices at most.
•Excessive consumption may cause a laxative effect.